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>> Salesforce Salesforce-AI-Associate Certification Materials <<
ExamsReviews serves as a most important source of IT certification information. You can find learning materials and study guides. If you are interesting in our ExamsReviews Salesforce Salesforce-AI-Associate exam dumps, you can depend on our ExamsReviews to make a sound choice. ExamsReviews Salesforce Salesforce-AI-Associate test packed so much with the latest information about the certification training. By using our ExamsReviews Salesforce Salesforce-AI-Associate practice test, you have made preparations for the exam.
In the context of Salesforce's Trusted Al Principles, what does the principle of Responsibility primarily focus on?
Answer: C
The principle of Responsibility in Salesforce's Trusted AI Principles primarily focuses on ensuring that AI is used ethically. This includes making sure that AI technologies are developed and implemented in ways that are transparent, fair, and accountable, with a strong emphasis on the impact on individuals and society. The principle encourages organizations to take responsibility for the outcomes of their AI systems and to avoid unintended consequences that could harm users or society.
What should an organization do to enforce consistency across accounts for newly entered records?
Answer: B
To ensure consistency across accounts for newly entered records, organizations should implement naming conventions or a predefined list of user-selectable values. This approach standardizes data entry, reducing variations and errors. It also helps in maintaining clean data which is essential for accurate reporting and analytics. Using standardized naming conventions ensures that all users adhere to a consistent format, making it easier to manage and analyze data across the organization. For more information on best practices for data management in Salesforce, refer to Salesforce's documentation on Data Management Best Practices.
How does the "right of least privilege" reduce the risk of handling sensitive personal data?
Answer: A
"The "right of least privilege" reduces the risk of handling sensitive personal data by limiting how many people have access to data. The "right of least privilege" is a security principle that states that each user or system should have the minimum level of access or privilege necessary to perform their tasks or functions.
The "right of least privilege" can help protect sensitive personal data from unauthorized access, misuse, or leakage."
What is machine learning?
Answer: A
"A data model is a machine learning feature used in Salesforce. A data model is a representation or abstraction of a real-world phenomenon or process using data structures and algorithms. A data model can be used to describe, analyze, or predict various aspects of the phenomenon or process using machine learning techniques."
Cloud Kicks wants to develop a solutionto predict customers product interests based on historical data. The company found that employees from one region use a text field to capture the product category, while employees from all other locations use a plckllst.
Which data quality dimension is affected in this scenario?
Answer: C
"Consistency is the data quality dimension that is affected in this scenario. Consistency means that the data values are uniform and follow a common standard or format acrossdifferent records, fields, or sources.
Inconsistent data can cause confusion, errors, or duplication in data analysis and processing. For example, using different field types for the same attribute can affect the consistency of the data."
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